
Which Foods You Should Eat or Avoid If You Have Diarrhea?

Understanding Diarrhea and Its Causes

Diarrhea is a common disease that is defined as the passage of more than 1500 kCal/day of loose and watery stools on the human. It may include viral/bacterial illnesses, contaminated foods taken, some medications, or other illnesses. If you have one or more episodes of diarrhea – you will find useful information on what may have led to that and how you can prevent such cases in the future. In such medical condition, there are some effective foods you should eat if you have diarrhea.

Negative impact of diarrhea and symptoms

Diarrhea leads to inflammation of the mucosa and submucosa of the intestines due to the secretion of excessive amounts of fluids and inefficient absorption of water and nutrients by the body. This results in several bowel movements or as it is referred to in other parlance ‘loose stomach’.

Two of the most common symptoms are vomiting and stomach pains, and at least flatulence and swelling of various body parts, and it also results in a loss of body fluids. Diarrhea would imply that more liquids should be taken and the electrolytes should be replenished.

The main causes include viruses such as norovirus and rotavirus, bacteria such as E.coli and Salmonella, food intolerance/halal, and some medicines such as antibiotics.

Therefore, if you know the type of diarrhea you have experienced, then it could be managed or treated easily because you would have understood what led to it.

Foods to Avoid When You Have Diarrhea

Aside some foods that you should eat if you have diarrhea, there are also some foods that you should avoid if you will suffer with diarrhea.

  • Avoid spicy and greasy foods: These will just make your condition worse.
  • Limit high-fiber foods: These can increase bowel movements.
  • Avoid dairy products: This is a very obvious reason to avoid them.
  • Avoid caffeine and alcohol: These substances can dry up the digestive system, so it won’t work properly.
  • Avoid artificial sweeteners: Sorbitol and mannitol fall into this category. They just worsen the patient’s condition.

Stay away from these foods to aid in quick healing and slow down the digestive system.

Related Post- How to treat food poisoning.

Best Foods to Eat When You Have Diarrhea

Choosing foods that you think would agree with the stomach when suffering from diarrhea can be a tricky affair, here are some ideas. Here are the list of foods that you should eat if you have diarrhea.


Bananas are rich in fiber and can be easily digested and are among the best remedies that can help in firming up stools. These are very important and provide some perquisites including potassium.

White rice

Cooked white rice is a bland refined carbohydrate food that is low in fiber, yet highly digestible, which aids in the aggregation of stools and furnishes energy.


Muesli, granola, toast, and crackers can offer complex carbohydrates which are good sources of energy and should not cause any stomach upset.

Boiled Potatoes

Potatoes are rich in vitamins, especially B-complex, and also provide energy and can form the bulk of the image of the stool.

Chicken or vegetable broth

These can aid in replacing fluids and electrolytes lost through its occurrence.


Yogurt is a preferred choice that has no flavors and added sugars; it can support digestion and restore healthy bacteria in the stomach.

Anyway, it is always necessary to listen to your body and consume frequent meals to prevent overloading the work of the digestive system. Also try to restrict extra fluids and stick to the intake of water and clear soups, herbal teas, etc. Also, don’t forget to

Importance of Seeking Medical Advice

In spite of having foods you should eat if you have diarrhea, you might need medical advice in some worse physical conditions. Diarrhea is usually harmless and can be treated easily at home with the help of diet and some medications obtained without a prescription. However, chronic or persistent diarrhea that lasts for more than three days and causes discomfort needs medical intervention.

Diarrhea that affects children below the age of five years or people who are over the age of sixty years may lead to the development of severe dehydration and hence need to be treated. That means if you or any of your family members have diseases that compromise your immune system or other chronic diseases such as diabetes among others, you should seek the services of a doctor before taking any diarrhea remedy.

Food or water-borne diarrhea while on a trip should be treated by a doctor if severe and or if it is coupled with fever or vomiting. Medical doctors can prescribe a test to help identify the cause or intensity of the diarrhea case. Safety always comes first and if in doubt, one should seek assistance from a specialist.

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