Exploring All About Fasting and Tips For Safe Fasting

Exploring All About Fasting and Tips For Safe Fasting

Fasting has been a common practice for centuries, often rooted in religious, cultural, or health-related motives. Recently, it has gained traction as a potential method for weight loss and improving overall health. However, a pertinent question arises: how long is it safe to fast? This question is critical as the safety of fasting depends on…

How To Treat Food Poisoning At Home?

How To Treat Food Poisoning At Home?

Food poisoning is a typical yet troubling condition brought about by polishing off polluted food or beverages. Side effects range from gentle to serious and can incorporate sickness, retching, loose bowels, stomach spasms, and fever. While most cases resolve without clinical intercession, knowing how to treat food poisoning successfully can essentially facilitate the distress and…

Which Foods You Should Eat or Avoid If You Have Diarrhea?

Which Foods You Should Eat or Avoid If You Have Diarrhea?

Understanding Diarrhea and Its Causes Diarrhea is a common disease that is defined as the passage of more than 1500 kCal/day of loose and watery stools on the human. It may include viral/bacterial illnesses, contaminated foods taken, some medications, or other illnesses. If you have one or more episodes of diarrhea – you will find…

Why you should avoid fast food from your food habit?

Why you should avoid fast food from your food habit?

Today, in this quick-moving society, fast food has become the basic food for many people. It is fast, easy, and usually less costly than the healthier options. Nevertheless, even though it is famous, you should consider it carefully, before including it as a daily meal in your diet. The negative influence on your health and…

Do high-fibre foods work for weight loss?

Do high-fibre foods work for weight loss?

Fibre, whilst not in the vanguard of diet-related buzzwords that include keto, paleo, or flexitarian, is a subject that warrants discussion. High fibre intake can lead to weight loss without other dietary changes. A fiber-rich and lean protein diet can help by reducing calorie intake. According to Marisa Moore, R.D.N., L.D., a culinary and integrative dietitian, fibre decelerates the digestive process, which…

How to Know if Your Daily Diet Is Healthy?

How to Know if Your Daily Diet Is Healthy?

A healthy diet is a critical factor. For the overall health and long existence of an individual. A decent diet contains the required stuff. Like supplements, vitamins, and minerals that give it optimal capability. Nonetheless, various wellsprings of information give contradictory data, subsequently, figuring out what the actual healthy diet is turns out to be…

5 Worst Foods You Should Avoid if You Have Arthritis

5 Worst Foods You Should Avoid if You Have Arthritis

Joint pain causes torment and firmness in the joints. It can happen in anybody, however it is all the more frequently seen with older individuals. There are various sorts, for example, osteoarthritis or rheumatoid joint pain, and so on. Joint inflammation messes up your life. It makes the joints large and damages them, likewise harder…