how long to digest food

How Long Does it Take to Digest Various Meats?

Digestion encompasses a number of processes which include decomposing food substances into simpler compounds that can be assimilated by the body. Various foodstuffs take varying ages to be processed, and substantial differences can exist even when it comes to meaty foods and their age.

Knowing “how long to digest food” will enhance the quality of food you take, the ability to process what you eat, and promote health.

In this article, we look at the length of time it takes to digest different meat products, reasons explaining the duration of digestion, and methods for enhancing digestion.

An Overview of the Digestive Mechanism

Before jumping to what is the time required to digest various kinds of meats, it is very important to cover the mechanics involved in the whole process of digestion. Manducation, along with the separation of food particles by potent chewing and enzyme-rich saliva, initiates digestion in the mouth.

The biomass then proceeds into the stomach, where gastric acids along with digestive enzymes further decompose the food into a paste. Thereon, it enters into the small bowel, where most ingestion of nutrients occurs, then to the colon, where water and nutrients are soaked up before the waste matter is collected and eliminated.

The rate of food digestion differs from one individual to the next depending, to a large extent, on their lifestyle choices as well as some other factors like the type of food eaten and metabolic rates among others. Meat particularly fatty or protein-rich meat products usually require a longer digestion time compared to other food types. Hopefully, above discussion will assist you for a brief idea about how long to digest food.

How long does it take to digest various meats?

How long to digest food while it’s related to digesting various meats? You will get some ideas from below discussions.

Chicken and Turkey

Chicken and turkey are some of the most deboned and such types of juicy meat take even less time to digest than more oily meats. Typically chicken or turkey sacrifices them in the digestive tract for about 1.5 to 2 hours. These types of meat have low portions of fats but high amounts of proteins which one can easily digest.

In like manner, the type of food taken affects the digestion rate. Skinless baked or grilled chickens are likely to be digested faster than fried or spiced-up chickens. Vegetables and whole grains are good combinations of curries to ensure the diet is balanced and enhances digestion.

Fish and Seafood

Among all the kinds of meat, fish and seafood rank as the easiest to digest by the human body. Depending on the type and amount, it usually takes between 30 minutes to 1 hour to digest fish.

White fish such as cod and haddock are so light to the stomach and most digested due to their low-fat content. On the other hand salmon and mackerel take a little time longer due to the high fat content, although less than red meats.

Seafood such as shrimp, scallops, and clams also take about an hour or less to digest. It is probably the low digestibility of fish and seafood that makes them popular in particular diets that involve heavy restriction like in carbs where fish and seafood are highly recommended due to them being more easily digested.


Baked beef especially red meat is said to be one of the most difficult types of meat to digest. How long it takes to digest beef only depends on the cut and method of cooking and can fall anywhere between 2 hours to around 5 hours.

This means that beef has a lot of protein as well as fat that prolongs the digestion process. A dense cut of muscle mass that is full of a lot of tissue and connective tissue also takes a while before the body can break down.

Ground beef owing to the grinding process probably gets digested quicker than whole cuts of meat like steak, as the muscles get mechanically separated allowing the incorporation of energy. In this case, though, fatty cuts of meat such as rib-eye or brisket will still take longer to be digested than sirloin or tenderloin.


Pork is another meat that is relatively hard and may require a longer time before it is completely digested. For example, for an average person, it usually takes about 4-5 hours to digest pork.

The reason for this is the same as in the case of meat, the particular cut and the fat content associated with it will affect the digestion duration. For example, pork tenderloin cut is a leaner cut than pork belly or ribs hence will be digested quickly.

The other thing that you should know is that the food preparation methods also change the digestion time. For example, roasted or grilled pork will take a short time to digest compared to fried or heavy-seasoned pork.

It has also been found that a few kinds of fruits have enzymes that would help in the digestion of meat, in this case, pork. With the help of these fruits, the meat’s digestion time is likely reduced.


Lamb is another category of red meat and takes a long duration to be assimilated into the body. Residents take about four to five hours when dealing with lamb. Lamb has high amounts of protein and fats, which are hard for the systems to digest.

Lamb should be served in smaller cuts, for example, lamb chops or leg of lamb because when incorporated with extra fats or oils, cut-up portions will surely be digested at a slower rate because it requires even more calories to be broken down.

For instance, lamb meat contains more connective tissue than chicken which could also add time to the processing of the food. Choosing more muscular parts of the animals and methods like frying or broiling rather than stewing will help lessen the time for such processes.

Factors that Affect Digestion Processes for Different Types of Meat

How long to digest food? Health conscious people consider this matter as very important. In respect to different types of meat digested, there are reasons like:

  • Type of Meat: Digestive processes for light meats like chicken or fish are fairly rapid as compared to high-fat meat for instance lamb and even beef.
  • Cooking Method: They can be very Heavy meals and as a result, heavy meals should be avoided in the cooking methods used for meats. Roasting, grilling, or steaming will make it easier as compared to frying or heavy cooking.
  • Individual Digestive Health: Other people take a long time to digest and assimilate foods due to health complications such as digestive disorders or simply their age and metabolism.
  • Meal Composition: Depending on the amount of these nutrients in the meal, the process of digestion may be retarded or accelerated when meat is taken with high-fiber vegetables or whole grains.

Tips to Aid Meat Digestion

  • Chew Thoroughly: Chewing helps break food down into smaller pieces. This makes it less of a chore for the stomach.
  • Stay Hydrated: Drinking enough water enhances the secretion of digestive juices. It imparts a healthy state of the digestive system.
  • Opt for Lean Cuts: Select lean cuts of meat to shorten the time of digestion. It also helps to prevent overworking the digestive system.
  • Incorporate Digestive Enzymes: Several foods like pineapple, papaya, and ginger have natural enzymes. These enzymes assist in the process of protein breakdown.
  • Eat Smaller Portions: Decreasing the amount of meat that is eaten at a single instance. This will also raise the efficiency of how the body processes and removes the said food.

Read a similar article on easy to digest foods.


At the end of this article, you can find the answer to “How Long To Digest Food?” Several factors are responsible for these digestion times and they include the reasonably done meats, the way the meats are prepared, and the state of the digestion system of the person in subjective terms.

Nutritional experts usually advise on how chicken and fish are digested faster than red meats. They also inform how red meats take longer digestion times. A balanced diet can improve your health rather than deteriorate it. By following the above rules, you can enjoy a nutritious and well-balanced diet.

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